busy day??
yesterday was one of the busiest day i had.. in the morning, my ex-marist friends had organised a game of soccer at a basketball court at serangoon north.. it was scheduled to start at 10am, but in the end, everyone was late and the game started only at around 11am..
after finishing the game at around 1pm, i rushed home to bathe, only to rush out again for a friend's house-warming.. the time we were requested to be present was 12pm-2pm, but by the time i reached there was like nearly 2pm.. i gave her a bottle of wine as a gift, but after 2 small cups of orange crush, and finding myself bloody lonely, as i was the "only" one there (i know totally no one else there), i left within 5 mins of reaching there.. what a waste of time, effort, petrol.. and WINE!
after reaching home, i rushed off to go fishing with my dad, for about 3 hours from 2.45pm till 5.45pm.. getting a good tan as a result, and more importantly, talking cock with my dad earned me some more insights to understanding him better..
dinner with my ex-uni friends was next, though the appointment was at 6.30pm, i was like very late.. only reaching around 7pm.. we had some beer, nice japanese food and a great time bitching about our respective companies.. arghh.. oh and boy was the jap food great, it is at a restaurant along mohamed sultan, just directly opposite dbl O, not sure the name though as it was very hard to pronounce.. and by the time the dinner finished at 11pm, i went home, totally tired out..
bye bye jester..
about 4 1/2 years ago, on 25th dec 2003, i bought a forever friends plush toy bear.. it was a christmas gift to peipei.. he wore a colourful scarf around his neck, and to top it up, a multi colour hat.. here is his picture..

we decided to name him jester, for he looked very cheerful, always ready to bring a smile to everyone around him.. throughout the years, whenever peipei or i went, be it at uni (that time) or be it to work, either of us will bring him along.. whenever we feel tired or wronged, unhappy or disappointed, we will take him out, give him a little squeeze or a cuddle, and our day doesn't seem that bad after all..
however, one fateful day a couple of days back, on the 24th july 2008, we discovered him missing.. the last person to bring him out was me, and the only conclusion was that he most likely dropped out of my pouch while i was walking, maybe bumping into someone..
the sentimental value of jester was way beyond any amount of money could ever buy, and it is just so painful to lose something that you have grown so attached to.. i was sad, peipei was even more sad, but life still has to move on, and i still hope that one day i'll be able to find back jester, and NO, buying a new and similiar forever friends plush toy bear won't be the same again..
i thank jester for bringing joy and laughter to peipei and myself for these 4 1/2 years.. bye bye jester, but only for now..
worse day of my life!!
today is an example of what can go wrong, will go wrong.. its is a bloody bad day for me, and i seriously hope such a day will never happen again..
firstly it all started after i ended work at around 6.30pm.. i walked to the car, getting ready to go down to town, bugis to be exact, to meet peipei for dinner.. i inserted the key into the ignition and turned the key, expecting, without a doubt, for the engine to roar to life.. however, i got a shock when after multiple tries, my engine lay cold and dead.. getting anxious, i tried again to start the engine, but guess this time, i turned too hard, and my key broke off from the controller (they were connected before today, those driving a mitsubishi lancer should understand what i'm saying)..
even until 7.30pm, my engine still could not start though i tried connecting the "crocodile clips" from my friend's car roaring engine to mine and turning what's left of the car key.. after making multiple calls to various 24 hr workshops, which charge exorbitant prices just for checking what's wrong with the car, i decided on one last resort.. another two friends and i pushed the car while a third sat inside the car trying to do a jump start.. having said that, special thanks to alagappan, fariq and izzad for helping..
no prizes for guessing, but i believe you all know what happened.. YES! i decided to leave the car at the carpark, and take a cab home.. wait for my mum to come back from hong kong before seeking her help.. luckily izzad was going to paya lebar to meet his gf, so i got a free ride to paya lebar MRT..
after alighting at paya lebar MRT, which by then, was already 8.15pm, i crossed the road to take bus no. 70 to near bartley, which i can then transfer to take bus no. 62 to a bus stop directly outside my house.. upon boarding the bus, and after multiple attempts to get my ez link card to work, i realised that i have no pre-stored value in the ez link card.. ah shucks! who can blame me for this, since the last time i took public transport was like a year and half ago, before i bought my car.. then, no choice, i used coins to pay for my bus ride (at least, luckily i had coins)..
after alighting bus no. 70, i went to a convenience store behind the bus stop to get a copy of the new paper.. just as i was walking out of the convenience store, bus no. 62 just arrived at the stop.. as there was only one passenger abt to alight, i had to hurry before the bus left.. hence i ran to the bus stop, as it was at least 10m away.. just as i reached the bus, i dropped my coin purse and the coins dropped all over the floor, shattering the quiteness of the night (it was already 8.45pm by then).. shucks, and i waved to the bus captain to carry on while i picked up my coins.. SADLY!
it was a cool 20 mins later before the next bus no. 62 arrived.. i boarded and thought aloud, WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG? well, one more thing.. i was so engrossed in reading the new paper, that cristiano ronaldo could go to real madrid, by the time i realised, the bus was at the traffice lights after my designated stop! arghh.. and yes, i stopped at the next stop, battered and beaten, and took a 10 min walk home.. how can my day be any worse? and for those wondering why i didn't take a bus back, i FINISHED up all my coins already, for christ sake!