v sincerity can move mountains and flood rivers..: a man utd fan's letter to all liverfool fans

Monday, October 26, 2009

a man utd fan's letter to all liverfool fans

My dear beloved Liverfool fans,

I do hope with last night’s win, Reds will crawl back into the league standings. This is a onetime kind gesture by Man Utd to bring back the rivalry within the top 4, the make the EPL competitive, and without Liverfool’s rivalry, there is no shiok in watching the EPL.

Please don’t take Man Utd’s kind gesture for granted, the loss is good omen for Man Utd as last season we lost both legs to Liverfool, but still won the title, which matters most. I hope to see all Liverfool fans to be on a happy note today, as for the past 2 weeks, there were dejected, drowned in sorrow, feeling so depressed, and suicidal. Wish all Liverfool fans a great Monday.

Man Utd Fan