back from diving!!
i haven't had enough! 6 days at perhentian diving and 2 days at KL shopping seemed to pass by me in a flash, and before i know it, it was over! no one seems to be able to have enough of fun eh?

us in the train, while peipei posed for a picture, i prefer to laze in the bunk bed, as can be seen in the background =p
altogether 7 of us went together, some taking courses, while the rest, me inclusive, just went there to purely do fun diving.. we had much joy having fun.. as not all of us did diving together (some were on courses remember?), while some of us did diving, the rest played daidee and vice versa..
on each dive trip.. i always see the usual stuff.. trigger fish, banner fish, angel fish, blue-spotted ray, puffers and porcupine fish etc.. but on this trip, the highlight was that we saw a really really huge bumphead parrot fish and a napoleon wrasse at a dive site called T3.. whew! never seen them before and it was really an eye-opener.. and also, at another dive site, seabell rock, one of us got bitten but a really huge trigger fish, and she got a really big bruise on her left leg! what memories for us to have!

peipei and myself after a dive.. notice the stainless steel spoon stuck into the right sleeve of my wetsuit.. used as amake shift ball banger, to attract other divers' attention whenever i spot something.. even my dive instructor uses it..

all 7 of us.. from the girl in red going clockwise, that's sherrie, followed by hanxing, or sun, then his girlfriend, peixi, then peipei, then the two alex, alex chow and alex chiang, and lastly.. its me!!

while in KL, we stopped over the petronas twin towers to visit the skybridge.. wow! the view was very nice..

posing a shot onboard the skybridge..
and finally..

we all lazing in the hotel room playing some daidee and watching world cup 06 after a heavy day of shopping..
tentatively planning to go aur in august (after the national day) with the same group of people.. which is a good time to dive there, as in late august and early september, people have told me it is the whale shark and manta ray passing season.. really excited at the prospects of meeting them!
end of IA..
though i was looking forward to the end of my IA, somehow when i walked through the main glass door of motorola for what may very well be the last time, i felt a sense of loss.. not that i will miss the perm staff or work there, but i will miss all the new friends i've made over the last 22 weeks.. guess we'll only get to meet up again when the new school term starts on 7 august.. wow!

my motorola employee pass.. looks handsome right? =p

the main gate at the glass door right behind the bus stop..

the main glass door of motorola.. where i walk pass every morning to get to my office..
pelepah waterfalls!!
over the weekend, peipei and i accompanied 4 other friends (can't say 4 friends, should be 3 friends + 1 extra idiot, who came uninvited) to go trekking in kota tinggi's pelepah waterfalls.. it was also to sort of celebrate one of my friend's birthday..
all of us met up on a late saturday afternoon at woodlands mrt and made our way to kota tinggi from larkin bus terminal, where we had a sumptuous dinner of RM$0.30 satays and very cheap food.. yummy yummy! after that, we still had time to catch the first half of the england v/s paraguay game (which started at 9pm), before going on to a firefly cruise and subsequently retiring for the night in hotel seri kota..
the next day we were suppose to meet at 8.30am in the hotel lobby, but, that idiot not only woke up late, he took his own sweet time to wash up and change, and in the end, we only left the hotel at 9.15am for our breakfast..
we reached the base of the falls at around 10.15am after which we took a slow and easy hike up.. it was a water trek, which means most of the time we had our legs submerged in water! yeah! the trip could have been made more memorable if not for the fact that that idiot, who is a newbie in trekking, not only did listen to peipei and my advise on taking it easy and going slow, he also chose to clear some of the vertical cliffs in his own and un-safe style! arghh! as a result, he fell most of the time due to the fact that he wore army boots for the trek, which did not allow him to have proper friction and a good toe grip on the slippery rock surface.. but nevertheless, the rest of us truly enjoyed ourselves by mostly ignoring him!
it was a memorable trip for me, and i think i can say so for the rest as well (except for him).. and last but not least.. happy birthday to lianna!
office politics??
friday was quite a happening day,i was in quite a bad shape due to a very heavy bout of flu, and to top it up, i experience first hand office politics, which was to me, very dirty..
first things first, after an afternoon meeting about a soon to be exhibition for our projects, which most IA students didn't bother to attend, not because we chose not to, but because we didn't really know what is going on as no one bothered to brief us..
a lady, a student from temasek polytechnic, who is the chair of this event, in her email to all the IA students and their supervisors..
"My details are:
******* Choo
DID: +65 *** ****
Email: ******
My vice-chairperson will be **** Wong, the guy from SMU with amazing initiative!
I have spoken with ****, who's been very helpful. He's a smart guy and he is very spear-headed - he will be key to getting things done."well, i wonder what made her carry this SMU guy's ball to such an extent?
this SMU guy then took the initiative and sent out an email to all IA students and their supervisors.. below is an excerpt of his email..
"1) I shall propose a meeting everyday during lunch hour, to gauge the progress of this exhibition project. Means everyone has to come down and meet during lunch time, I assume everyone's lunch time is at 12pm. It would serve also as a networking environment for us all.
2) Please do not clog up the emails, as I am receiving countless number of emails from other countries' financial managers which is directly important. We have this web messenger thingy, please use that instead. IF NEED BE TO SEND EMAILS, do not CC to your supervisors or managers, just to XXX and YYY will do."first, which idiot will meet everyday during his lunch time for this ambiguous stuff.. next, don't sound so high handed if you need volunteers for your project, you'll only put us off.. lastly, if you do not want us to CC to our supervisors, show it to us by setting an example! damn it!
a MAE engineer, who graduated from NTU some 8 years ago, also wanted participation from some of the MAE students for this exhibition, and wanted us to volunteer our services.. after getting disappointing participation, we now have to email him AND CC to our company supervisor AND our NTU tutor to say that we can't VOLUNTEER for the exhibition.
then this same engineer who called another meeting for IA students this morning at 9am, and mentioned that if we are unable to turn up, we are supposed to ask our NTU tutor to call him and let him know! what the heck? since when did our NTU tutor become our secretary, and in any case, i have hands and legs, and do not need one! how ridiculous!
me: morning sir! i need your help!
NTU tutor: yes linus! what's up?
me: could you call one of the engineers in motorola? there's a meeting at 9am and i can't make it as i got work to do for my own supervisor..
NTU tutor: why me?
me: because he said so..
its amazing when people need your help and they are so arrogant.. wow! and from the emails they sent, they managed to pissed just about everyone in the emailing list in less than 10 mins.. i certainly believe that they deserved to have a platanium award for being such as asshole..