true friends are indeed hard to find..
sometimes, friends only find you when they need your help in some way or another.. other times, these same friends only find you when you can give them certain benefits..
i always believe a friend is not someone who looks for you only when they need favours or say nice things about you.. i believe a friend is someone who is always willing have fun with you, always include you in his/her planned activities, who's there and dare to criticise when he/she knows you are in the wrong and are always there for you when you are in trouble...
how many of you have these category of friends? i simply wonder.. is it just me that have little of these friends or what?
painting house..
wow! today, my family had an enjoyable time painting my room and the master bedroom.. we had quite some entertainment.. first and foremost, my messy room before painting..

then, in the master bedroom, my brother and his affinity with tortoises..
also in the masterbedroom, for me, a proof that i was there before..

lastly, while painting the last wall in the master bedroom, do i seem like i am scolding profanities? muhahaha..

too bad there is no picture of my dad, who woke up the earliest, painted the most, and slept the latest to get all of our rooms done.. cheerios dad!
final year.. finally!!
i didn't realised that i was already in the final year of my mechanical engineering course in NTU until i recieved an email, stating the dates and times for me to register final year subjects and final year project (FYP)..
suddenly, the implications of this matter dawned upon me like a flock of birds to seeds.. in another year, i'll graduate.. and will be out in the work force on my own in the 'dog eat dog' world, trying to carve out a living..
in a way, i'm excited to start work, so that i no longer have to tax on my parents financially.. futhermore, i can help alleviate some of the outstanding house and car loans my parents has.. however, on the other hand, i certainly hope that i have enough ability to face the challenges ahead..
last night went to irwan's place to check out some future diving trips, as well as get my rescue diver card, which has just arrived..
one of the dive instructor there did a brief introduction on bali diving, and it got me real interested in going there.. from the video clips, it can be seen that the underwater life is much more diversified and colourful than as compared to perhentian.. wow!
there are three dive sites that really really interest me.. the first is an underwater cave, where there are generations of resident black tips and white tips.. the sighting is really majestic.. second is also an underwater cave, where you can catch a glimpse of a large species of fish known as the sunfish, or mola mola.. these species of fishes can only be sighted at two places in the world, in california and bali, and they live in temperatures of around 18 degrees celsius.. last but not least, the final dive site is a place where there are resident manta rays, at least four of them at any one time all year round..
bali, here i come!
life is fragile..
things happen in life which make you realize that life is actually very fragile.. today my mum's car was involved in an accident with a motorcycle.. luckily, she wasn't hurt, but the motorcyclist was quite badly bruised..
it sets me thinking, from how my mum described the accident, if she was travelling any faster, or had the motorcycle been speeding, either could have easily lost their lives.. that's why i say its important to treat all those around you, especially those you love, with care and concern so that in the event that they unfortunately go away to a better place known as heaven, you'll will have no regrets..
saying this, it reminds me of an incident.. when my grandfather was around, my mum treated him with utmost respect and never-ending care.. constantly ferrying himm to medical appointments or helping him run errands etc.. he once commented that no one could ever find a more filial daughter-in-law then my mum..
then this unfortunate day when my grandfather got a stroke and was bed-ridden, none of my dad's siblings offered, let alone took care of my grandfather except, as you can guess, my dad and mum..
sad to say, not long after my grandfather passed away.. just as his body was pushed into the cremation furnace to be cremated.. my dad's eldest sister wailed and cried the loudest.. my dad and mum stood by and did not even shed a tear, though they looked real sad.. when i asked my mum why later on, she replied, "when he was around, we already gave him the best we could.. we have no regrets, now that he has since moved on to a better life" (these were not her exact words, meaning roughly about there..)
as they say, death is not the end of life, but a new beginning of a journey with god
champions league final..
wtf! barcelona wins! i think it just all plays down to lehmann's red card offence on eto.. 10-man arsenal ran out of steam before the final whistle..
if would have been better had referee hauge showed more impartially.. he was more inclined to give arsenal's hard tacklers yellow cards than barcelona's even harder tacklers yellow cards..
after barcelona snatched the lead in the 81st minute, they played a very fluid passing game, preventing arsenal from getting the ball and counter-attacking.. good tatics!
as evident in all other soccer matches on time wasting, barcelona was no different.. in the second minute of injury time, marquez fell down as if he was knocked by a 5-tonner, clutching his knee in pain, after a tackle by reyes.. then he was running like a horse during the post match celebrations..
however, arsenal captain henry was the most guilty party, missing many chances.. haha but the post match interview, he mentioned "puyol's and marquez's tackle was aimed around my knee and ankle, but i always choose to stand up because i am not a woman.. " great character from a great man..
overall it was a great game! (though i didn't like the outcome =p) however, after all that's said.. let's pay a tribute to europe's most elite soccer team.. barcelona

and not to forget, the graceful losers, arsenal, who made the game so wonderful..
old age..
today while i was doing some testing in the reliability lab, i came across this very old cleaner lady.. she is of quite old age and it is so sad to see such a sight..
my heart cringes whenever i see old people working.. it sets my mind thinking.. are these old people working to pass time, or is it their families disown them so then need to work to survive? i certainly hope its the former..
for me, personally, in future, i will NEVER allow my old aged parents to work.. when i am working already and should they retire, i will support them.. to allow them to indulge in the things they desire, to go for short holidays etc.. its just a small gesture to thank them for all the years of upbringing..
apologies to all those who read by blog frequently, that i'm unable to update it as often..
recently my fujitsu laptop had some problems, thus i had it sent to the service centre.. the engineer there analyzed my laptop and said there were bad clusters in my hard disk, and it is essential to have it changed.. however the service centre had no more stock of hard disks, but he promised me that the new stock would arrive in 1 week's time, which is this week..
yesterday, i called the service centre to enquire about the status of my laptop, and to my horror, another engineer who spoke to me said the stock of hard disks would arrive in 2 weeks time! he said there's nothing that he can do in the mean time! what good customer service fujitsu is showing me.. arghh!
Never Do Anything In Anger!!
Anger is one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature. We were all born with an inclination towards it and that's why curbing anger is such a challenge. It's like trying to suppress a part of us that seems to surface involuntarily.
But great is the need to restrain ourselves from doing things out of anger, these can have very serious consequences. Take the story of Genghis Khan and his hawk, for example.
One morning, Genghis Khan, the great king and warrior, rode out into the woods for a day's sport. On his wrist sat his favourite hawk, for in those days hawks were trained to hunt.
The day had been warm, and the king was very thirsty. His pet hawk left his wrist and flew away. It would be sure to find its way home. The king was riding slowly along, when to his joy, he saw some water trickling down over the edge of a rock. He knew that there was a spring farther up.
The king took a little silver cup from his hunting bag and held it so as to catch the slowly falling drops. It took a long time to fill the cup; and the king was so thirsty that he could hardly wait. At last it was nearly full. He put the cup to his lips, and was about to drink when suddenly, the cup was knocked from his hands.
The king looked up to see who had done this thing. It was his pet hawk.
The king picked up the cup, and again held it to catch the trickling drops. When the cup was half full, he lifted it toward his mouth. But before it had touched his lips, the hawk swooped down again, and knocked it from his hands.
Now this happened a few times. The king was so overcome by anger that when the bird swooped down again, he struck it with his sword. The hawk fell to the ground and lay dying at its master's feet.
"That is what you get for your pains," said Genghis Khan.
But when he looked for his cup, he found that it had fallen between two rocks, where he could not reach it.
"At any rate, I will have a drink from that spring," he said to himself.
With that he began to climb the steep bank to the place from which the water trickled. When he reached the pool, he noticed something lying in the pool, almost filling it. It was a huge, dead snake of the most poisonous kind.
The king stopped. He forgot his thirst.
"The hawk saved my life!" he cried, "and how did I repay him? He was my best friend, and I have killed him."
Genghis Khan learnt a sad lesson that day - and that was to never do anything in anger.
need someone, someone who is understanding, and able to read into my mind..
i desperately
need someone whom i can confide in when i'm feeling down, sad or unhappy.. especially now when i facing so much shit at work..
want someone who always includes me when she plans her activities or weekend getaways and not say, "you don't have to follow me"..
don't want anyone who loses her temper at me when she becomes impatient..
notice the differences, some are needs, some are wants.. you all should know the difference, and in case if you don't, let me explain.. needs are good to have and necessary to have while wants are good to have, but not necessary to have..
for all those reading this, please do not leave any tags with regards to this post.. just read and forget about it.. i'm just venting my fustration and not directing it specially at anybody..